Women's Programming

Our congregation values special opportunities for women to gather and connect spirituality through experiences with learning, prayer, song, and art. A lay-led Rosh Chodesh group, Open Mic nights, all-women Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat Mincha tefillot, and our signature Sukkot Art event, highlight a calendar of fulfilling women’s programming. See below for this year’s calendar:

Aura Chadasha

In honor of each new Hebrew month women are invited to participate in an evening of learning and experiential activity hosted by community members. Past topics and activities have included:

  • Guest speakers
  • Text study
  • Connecting to the Mikvah
  • What freedom means
  • Mindfulness exercises
  • Journaling
  • Planting
  • Candle making

For more information about Aura Chadasha, please contact Dahlia Topolosky.

Making candles

Open Mic Night

Express yourself! Sing, dance, play an instrument, do a stand-up comedy routine or just sit back and enjoy watching your friends show off their talents. We sponsor an open mic night for women of all ages and backgrounds.

Stay tuned for information about the next Open Mic Night.

Art in the Sukkah

Join us for a night of painting and wine in the sukkah.