Shana Tova U'Mtukah!

A letter from our president

Elul Musical Happenings
9/3 Aura Chadasha – Women’s Rosh Chodesh Kumzitz    9/21 Kiddush Class – Reviewing tunes of the High Holidays
9/28 @ 9PM Pre-Selichot Kumzitz followed by musical Selichot at 10PM at shul

High Holiday Childcare Registration
There will be childcare for the entirely of Rosh Hoshanah morning davening, as well as for all the davening on Yom Kippur. Please sign up here.

Yizkor Companion & Yahrtzeit Book
We are creating a new permanent Yahrtzeit Book with a listing of all our community’s yahrtzeits. While we will be including all the yahrtzeits we have automatically in this memorial book, we will also offer opportunities to sponsor a dedication page. This is in addition to our Annual Yizkor Companion, which includes the Yizkor prayers, as well as tributes to indicate whom we are all remembering on those days. 

Sukkah Hop
This year we’ll be having two separate hops, one led by Rabbi Uri and one by Reb Jake, each starting at each other’s sukkahs. Both hops will end at the shul sukkah followed by an activity and mincha. 

Shemini Atzeret Luncheon for our Honorees!
Mazel Tov to this year’s Simchat Torah Honorees – Max & Shira Neumann for Kol HaNearim; Mark Dredze for Chattan Torah; and Avigail & Aharon Charnov for Chattan/Kallah Bereishit.